Saturday, May 03, 2008

My Favorite Living President

On May 2, I had the day off and did some running around town - as usual. I seem to be busier on my fridays off than when I'm working. Anyway, I went to the WalMart Supercenter in Clayton for a book signing. I know what you're thinking - a book signing at WalMart? It's really a great marketing move - they have tons of stores and millions of customers. But this wasn't just any ordinary book signing - it was former President Jimmy Carter signing his new book dedicated and about his mother called 'A Remarkable Mother.' What a great gift for Mother's Day, right? Yes!

I have great admiration for Pres. Carter. Sure he made a few mistakes within his Presidency, but overall he's a great man who's done so much for our country and our world. And the fact that he's a good southern man is just the whipped cream on top! So it shouldn't be surprising that I was very excited to get to actually see him and possibly meet him.

When I arrived 30 mins early - I just happened to be behind the mini motorcade. When I got inside I noticed that the line was already very long. I got a little nervous. But then they had some workers coming around and they said he would be there for a full 2 hours and that he can sign 10 books in 15 seconds - is that a record or an exaggeration? Anyway, the line moved quickly and they told me that I would get a chance to take a picture. The bad news was that I'd only have 10 seconds to take the picture and it would be behind others that were in front of him to get their books signed. UGH!

So, as I laid my books down I couldn't hold back. I had to say something. So this is what I said - "Thank you so much Mr. Carter. I absolutely adore you and Ms. Rosalyn." 'Mr' Carter? I called a former President, Mr? I didn't thank him for the many humanitarian efforts that he and his wife are continually involved with? Ok, so I don't do that well under pressure - noted. What was really sweet was that he looked up, straight at me and said this - "I...I like you too." Hee hee - how funny is that? Maybe he doesn't do so well under pressure either. I was absolutely giddy for the rest of the day. And I did manage to get this picture below - it's not the best or what I had truly hoped for (a pic of me standing beside him), but it was better than most others that were taken.
How cute is he? I still get giddy when I see this pic.

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