Friday, February 27, 2009

Just Because She's A Woman...

Doesn't mean she's the best person for the job.
And this is another reason I don't put political bumper stickers on my car - you need to remove before December.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This Was Approved?

I noticed this car in the parking lot of my company this week. I'm still amazed that you can have 'ass' on your license plate.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What A Woman

I stopped by the grocery store on my way to work this morning and saw a woman with an obviously higher than normal sense of security with herself. I don't know if I would ever feel comfortable going to the store in my robe...especially when it's 40 degrees outside.
And she obviously has a pretty good sense of humor.
Goofy Krap?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Too Many SWOs

This guy seems to love those SWOs. I guess some bandwagons are hard to resist.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Dogs

I was driving home from work today when I saw this truck. 'Protect Your Dogs' ... I agree.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jump Around

Sam has never been a fan of the moon bounce houses. He was a little slow in even learning how to jump. But we went to a birthday party this weekend at Jumping Beans at The Factory in Wake Forest and he did fantastic. The only mishap was when mommy was in there with him - and he slipped and hit his head on mommy's knee. After a brief bout of crying, he told mommy that he was ready to go back in but that mommy had to stay out!
He likes to do the stunt man fall.
That blur on the left is Kaela. When Nana asked Sam if he had a girlfriend in his class his reply was, 'Actually, I think that would be Kaela.' He has good taste!
And here he is venturing through the inflatable towers. The big kid in the back was nice enough to help Sam up the steps so he could go down that big blue slide a few times. What a sweetheart! I'm so proud of him!

Nana Time

For Valentine's Day my wonderful husband had my mother come up and babysit Sam so we could have a real date. This was our first real date in over 3 years - it was much needed! Here is Sam and Nana playing at lunch the next day.
Now that we've gotten a taste of freedom again - we'll be bugging Nana more often!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Scary Cat - Sending Kisses

Happy Valentine's Day from Scary Cat.
Is scary cat trying to be trashy or slutty? I can't decide.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hockey Sucks

I finally got to go on a company outing this week. Well actually, my company didn't pay for anything - the contractors we hire took us out to a Hurricanes hockey game. Our seats were great!
But the game was a real stinker. 0 goals and 0 fights. I'm still not a hockey fan.The final score was Carolina 0, Florida 5.

Bitter Feminist?

This is how Feminists get a bad rep. All of these bumper stickers were on the same dirty car.
This one I did find a bit humorous though - at least she's got a sense of humor somewhere in all there.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Stickers From Nana

Sam received a Valentine's Day card in the mail today from his Nana. It was a Spongebob card with a sheet of stickers. This is how much he liked it.

Where There's Smoke, There's Burning Books

Something funny was going down at the used bookstore in our neighborhood. We like this store and were happy to see that it wasn't serious.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More Time With My Boys

Here are my boys at the Macaroni Grill - looking cute and hungry!

License Plates

Here are a few that I've seen recently...
The Lorax? The Dr. Seuss book? Really?
And someone doesn't know how to spell 'cycle'...I know the 'e' is silent, but it's still there.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Mr Handsome

He loves the Cars movie - especially Lightning McQueen.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Day At The NC Zoo

The weather has been really nice all week - 60s and low 70s. So instead of laying around for yet another lazy Sunday, we decided to take a trip to the NC Zoo. It's only about 1.5 hrs away and won't be crowded in February. The animals were all out since the weather was so nice and we were able to get some good exercise. Here's Sam waiting for the Tram.
And here he is goofing around with Dad at lunch. Aren't they cute?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sharing With Daddy

Sam is getting better with sharing. He even shared his food with Daddy today.

Sharing with daddy is fun!

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Meat = Good

Sam doesn't eat a lot of meat. He's quite a picky eater - but we've recently been able to get him to eat a cheeseburger when he's feeling his oats.
Ok, only about 1/3 a cheeseburger - but it's a start.