Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Love Is

Do you remember those old Love Is cartoons they would print in the newspapers? They were strictly black and white, in the main paper sections and included a naked, cherubic boy and girl. Well this is 'Jenny's Love Is.'

Love Is....

Peeing on the side of the George Washington Parkway because your son couldn't wait to get out of the car. What a good daddy!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Saw another accident on the way to work today - this one was what the locals call a 'doozie'. I was only able to take a picture of one of the cars - but you'll get the idea.

The white car in the distance is also a Toyota Corolla - it appears to have been a Corolla Smash It Derby.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pimped Out Mini

I take walks at work now - it's the only real exercise I get. While I'm out and about, I sometimes see some interesting cars in the parking lots of buildings nearby. Here is a mini cooper that caught my eye.

I didn't realize you could pimp out a mini - but I'm not surprised that someone has.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Baby No More

Sam is the cutest baby you will ever see. He's got beautiful blue eyes, chubby cheeks, pouty lips and nice curly hair. Since he's turned 22 months old now, we've decided that it was time for his first haircut. Not first professional haircut - first haircut ever. This is my cute little baby before:

And this is my cute little BOY now. Who knew that he'd go from the cutest little baby to the cutest little boy? Well, who besides his mommy and daddy?

We took him to a salon that specializes in kid's cuts. He got to sit in a fire engine seat and watch a Thomas movie. He did really well until they brought out the clippers - he didn't seem to like them that much. He started crying and saying 'help me'. But once he got in his mommy's arms, he was fine again. Here's where he went from baby to boy -

Jesus Freaks

Living in the bible belt, you are able to come in contact with people who have very strong religious beliefs. It amazes me at how literal people will take the words that were written in a book like the bible. Some people will believe so strongly in those words that anyone else who believes otherwise is doomed to an afterlife of torture.

Here is a picture of a Jesus Van that I saw on my way to work last week. Not sure where they were going - but some of the messages on the side read - Jesus Is The Right Way, Don't Kill Babies, etc.

And here is a story of a woman suing the devil and a pastor because she claims she was sexually assaulted by the devil.

Now don't get me wrong - I do admire the fact that someone would be so strong in their beliefs. Just imagine if the book of stories that so many people were so devoted to was Canterbury Tales or Dr. Seuss.