Monday, November 14, 2005

Eating in Peace ...

I saw a story on the news this morning which really struck a nerve. A restaurant in the Chicago area - A Taste of Heaven - has placed a sign in their window stating that children must behave and use their inside voices when dining at their restaurant. When I heard this, only 1 thought crossed my mind - it's about time!

When I was a kid parents took responsibility for the actions of their children. If a child started to misbehave in public, the parent immediately took them outside and/or disciplined them. What happened to those kinds of parents? Now when you're in a restaurant or store, you'll see parents completely ignoring their kids as they run up and down the aisles screaming at the top of their lungs. I understand that kids get excited easily - especially when out in public - but when did parents just stop teaching their children how to behave appropriately?

And what makes this story even more entertaining, is that the parents that are boycotting this restaurant are acting just as bratty as their kids! (Yeah, I wonder where their kids get it from.) They feel that they are entitled to eat at these establishments simply because they can afford to. Are you kidding me? Just because you have the money to afford their service doesn't give you the right to act like an immature, disrespectful twit when you're out in public. What you do at home is your own business, but at least have enough respect for others when you leave the house to behave appropriately and make sure that your children know how to behave also. Have you no shame?

Monday, November 07, 2005

Taking One For The Team ...

It appears that 2 overzealous Carolina Panthers cheerleaders may have taken their celebration a little too far at a bar in Tampa Bay on Sunday. Even though they were not in town to perform at the game - they did give quite a 'performance' in the ladies room....which angered other female patrons who actually had to pee!

Now being from North Carolina there are 2 things that these women should have known about being a woman and using public bathrooms.
  1. If you have to go fast and there's a long line - go to the men's room
  2. If you're going to have sex with someone in said bathroom but you don't want people to complain - go to the men's room. And if you're having sex with your girlfriend, the men won't mind that either - they'll probably encourage you and give you their beer money to watch.

Since I've never been one to think that having sex in a public bathroom is a good idea to start with (you know how dirty those places are - YUCK!) - I guess I'm only guilty of #1. But I do have 2 words for these ladies - BAD REDNECKS!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Scary Brother and His Kids ...

So last night was Halloween and my brother and his 2 oldest kids went out for some trick-or-treating. His wife and the baby stayed home to give out candy to the little ghosts and goblins that visited their house. Here are the trick-or-treaters all ready to go - notice the pretty dress my brother is wearing - ha ha!!

From left to right - Chris (he's a medieval knight), Alexis (she's the cutest dragon you ever laid your eyes upon), and Kyle (I think he's supposed to be a Star Wars character, but I'm so out of touch that I don't know which one - yep, I'm getting old).

And for those with enquiring minds - DaveBrown and I just put a bowl of candy on our doorstep so the kids can take as much as they want and we don't have to rush to the door all night long. It's getting a lot harder for me to go up and down the stairs these days! Maybe next year I'll be able to get DB to dress up and take 'boy' out trick-or-treating - ha ha!

Whoa - is that really me ....

Tomorrow we'll be at Week 36 - only 4 more weeks until 'boy' arrives. I thought some of you might like to see how I'm progressing. Yes, this is really me and no, there aren't any pillows stuffed underneath my shirt:

I've officially gained 55 lbs., so I'm guessing I'll gain at least 60 by my due date of November 30th. And I've started an office pool so that my coworkers can guess my due date and time. It's only a few bucks to join and the person who guesses the closest wins the whole pot!

We've got the nursery 95% complete and have all the baby supplies that we 'think' we'll need - and probably a lot that we don't really need. We're hoping to take this last month to do some last minute stuff around the house that we've been wanting to get done for months now. And also, I'll probably be doing more napping - it seems to be a new weekend routine for me ... go to yoga, go to IHOP, go home and nap for 2-3 hours - ha ha! What a great routine, right?