Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My Scary Brother and His Kids ...

So last night was Halloween and my brother and his 2 oldest kids went out for some trick-or-treating. His wife and the baby stayed home to give out candy to the little ghosts and goblins that visited their house. Here are the trick-or-treaters all ready to go - notice the pretty dress my brother is wearing - ha ha!!

From left to right - Chris (he's a medieval knight), Alexis (she's the cutest dragon you ever laid your eyes upon), and Kyle (I think he's supposed to be a Star Wars character, but I'm so out of touch that I don't know which one - yep, I'm getting old).

And for those with enquiring minds - DaveBrown and I just put a bowl of candy on our doorstep so the kids can take as much as they want and we don't have to rush to the door all night long. It's getting a lot harder for me to go up and down the stairs these days! Maybe next year I'll be able to get DB to dress up and take 'boy' out trick-or-treating - ha ha!

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