Thursday, January 31, 2008

He's a big boy now

Sam is constantly learning new things. It's amazing how fast he picks up on new words and skills. In his new class at school he has a lot of older kids to mimic and was just observing those first few weeks. But about a week after his best buddy, Spencer, got moved up into his class - he's now decided that it's time to go potty so he can get to wear these...
And here he is fueling up for a busy day....
I really think he's not quite ready for potty training, but it's amazing what peer pressure and some Thomas underwear will get a 2 yr old to do. I have no expectations that he'll have this mastered anytime soon - I'm just glad that he's open to trying and has a friend that he trusts so much. I don't think I had a best friend until I was in grade school.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Birthday Bliss

My birthday is today and we had lots of fun. Although I had to go to work for a little while - I was supposed to be off today - Sam still managed to give me a little x-tra cheese before I left...
Fortunately I left work around noon and got Sam before he fell asleep for naptime at school. I let him stay up to watch me gorge on some Bojangles and then we took a nap together - I love naps with Sam! Then we were lucky enough to have David come home a little early and we went out to dinner at Red, Hot and Blue. Sam really enjoyed this cookie...
And I really enjoyed my BBQ - yummy! All in all, it was a great day and I'm so glad I got to spend it with my 2 favorite boys!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

A True Skins Fan

Since David and I have both been Redskins fans since we were young, we knew that we wanted to instill that same sense of loyalty and dedication to our son - and given the Skins record since the 80s - it's been a LOT of loyalty and dedication.

We started out getting him to watch some football games with us. He'll sit still for about 15-20 minutes (sometimes longer on good days) and say 'watch footballs'. It's too cute.

Through a little more work, I think we now have developed a true Skins fan...

(Note: I don't know why it's not playing the audio, but he's saying 'Boo Cowboys'! It's so cute!!)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Double Wide...

One of the things that we liked about our new house was the 2-car garage. Finally a respite from bad weather. When we first moved in we had a lot of boxes placed in our garage so that we could go through things thoroughly. We also started organizing the garage to store the proper tools and outdoor equipment. It quickly filled up with things. But over the last year, David has taken the time to finish organizing and make room for both of our cars. Which will come in handy now that the cold weather is starting to set in around here.
Notice how we have extra room for chalk drawing with Sam now also. Bonus!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Someone's Been Eating My Pasta...

Sam usually does well enough at dinner time to sit in his seat and eat a bite or two of food. If we're lucky, he'll eat more - if not, he'll play with the rest causing quite a mess.

On this occassion, Sam decided that he wanted to sit in Mama's seat and eat Mama's food - the exact same food that he had on his plate. Somehow it tasted better because it was Mama's.
He was eating it like a spaghetti burger - both hands and cramming it all in. Mama was very proud.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Seafood or Seefood?

Sometimes when we go out to eat, Sam likes to show off...
Sometimes we're not as successful. And it doesn't depend on the restaurant or type of food - it's just the toddler sensibilities...

Sometimes 'No' really does mean 'No' - who knew?

Saturday, January 05, 2008

A New Cheese

Sam is a big fan of cheese - he could eat it for every meal if we would let him. Recently he discovered a new kind of cheese ... cream cheese.
He likes it! He likes it almost as much as strawberry jelly.