Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Whoa - is that really me ....

Tomorrow we'll be at Week 36 - only 4 more weeks until 'boy' arrives. I thought some of you might like to see how I'm progressing. Yes, this is really me and no, there aren't any pillows stuffed underneath my shirt:

I've officially gained 55 lbs., so I'm guessing I'll gain at least 60 by my due date of November 30th. And I've started an office pool so that my coworkers can guess my due date and time. It's only a few bucks to join and the person who guesses the closest wins the whole pot!

We've got the nursery 95% complete and have all the baby supplies that we 'think' we'll need - and probably a lot that we don't really need. We're hoping to take this last month to do some last minute stuff around the house that we've been wanting to get done for months now. And also, I'll probably be doing more napping - it seems to be a new weekend routine for me ... go to yoga, go to IHOP, go home and nap for 2-3 hours - ha ha! What a great routine, right?

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