Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I Think I've Got The Hang Of This Mommy Thing ....

Ok, I probably don't really - but I feel like things are going so well right now that I must be doing something right! I was able to shower today while Sam slept - usually I have David watch him. Also, Sam didn't scream during tummy time and actually rolled over for the first time! And I've been able to get a little housework done recently. I feel like things are coming together finally. It only took almost 3 months - ha ha!

Of course all the mommies say that as soon as you think you've got a routine going, Sam will have a growth spurt and it will change again. Since he starts daycare next week and I go back to work the following week - his routine will get a change at that point whether we like it or not. Until then, I'm going to enjoy thinking that I've got it all figured out ;)

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