Thursday, February 09, 2006

Better Late Than Never ...

I know it's been 2 months since my last entry and for that I apologize, but I have a good excuse. Samuel David Brown was born on December 6, 2005 at 6:03 pm! That's right, just after I posted my last entry - my water broke! I was quite surprised since I wasn't having any contractions....they started shortly thereafter though. For those of you that haven't had a baby - contractions HURT! Don't let the Lamaze classes fool you - breathing through the initial ones is tough. I don't know how ladies go through having a baby without any drugs - I barely made it to 3-4 centimeters!

Ok, so here's the story of the birth process - it's in 3 parts because it's kind of long. Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

And here are pictures of our little boy - they are posted with the most recent ones first.

He's 2 months old now and doing great! You can always check our Family Website if you want to keep up with how we are all doing. It's updated more often than mine these days. You wouldn't believe how little free time you have with a new baby in the house.

I'm still enjoying my maternity leave, but will be headed back to work in March. I'm not exactly looking forward to leaving Sam at daycare, but I know that it will be the best thing for all of us. I'm sure it will be harder on me than him.

Well, I'll try to post more often now that Sam and I have a little routine down. So keep checking back every so often for updates. Until then, hope you are all doing well and that your kids turn out to be as cute as my little Sam ;)

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