Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Back to Work I Go ...

Well, I officially started back to work on March 6 and I must say - it's not as bad as I thought. I picked a week when all of our execs were in Vegas at our national convention to make my debut - that was the best decision I've made in a while! I got to wear jeans and tennis shoes all week - and my workload was relatively light. This week they are all back, so I'm getting loaded up again - but I'm glad I had the first week to catch up on emails and such before the onslaught of mediocre tasks began.

Here is a list of a few things that I DON'T miss about being back at work:
  • Rush Hour Traffic - it still sucks the big one and the roads are still full of idiots that can't drive. If I'm not being cut-off, some fool will have an accident causing major backups and delays that will double my commute time.
  • The Wind Tunnel - my office is in a trio of buildings that create a magnificent wind tunnel effect. This is quite nice on a steamy hot summer day. But when it's 40 degrees and precipitating, it's a pain in the arse. Yesterday I was literally being pushed by the wind. You'd think the extra 30 lbs. I'm caring around would have me more grounded - this wind is very strong.
  • Idiot Bosses - my direct supervisor is cool. We trade jabs about our favorite college basketball teams (I like Duke, he likes Maryland - poor guy). But there are other bosses in my office that are complete idiots. You know the ones that give you the most asinine tasks to do and then 2 weeks/months later completely forgets and asks for them again. Or the ones that ask you to research something and then doesn't believe you when you tell them what you found - so they ask one of the office men! And my all-time favorite -- when they ask you for a report that they desperately need (which takes you days to complete) and then they just use it as refuse. UGH!

But it's not all bad. Sam is doing really well in daycare - they LOVE him....but that's probably due to a combination of him being adorable, sweet and the new baby in class. It freaked me out a little until I asked another daycare mommy and she reassured me that they do this with all the kids - especially the new babies that are as cute as Sam.

And I'm really enjoying having some time to do something other than mommy-stuff. It's nice to be able to finish something I started and to get down to the gym to try to work off the rest of these baby lbs. It also makes me really enjoy the nights and weekends with Mr. Sam. I'm not so anxious to pass him off to his daddy now that my time with him has decreased.

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