Friday, September 05, 2008
Try Text Messaging
I never really had a problem with people talking on the cell phones - until I went to get my oil changed today. I decided to sit outside because the weather was nice and the waiting room was packed with some crappy daytime tv blaring. As I was reading my book, this guy pulled up and was apparently so important that he felt the need to let everyone know ALL his business.
I personally don't care which hoochie you had your way with last night (although I think there was quite a bit of exaggeration going on there) and how you are awaiting some random test results. I also don't care about some weird dream you had where you met some random entertainer and made a business deal. In hindsight, the Michael Vick jersey was a big red flag that this guy would interrupt my reading with inflated, self indulgent stories. Oh well - I guess it was entertaining - to an extent.

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