Monday, November 07, 2005

Taking One For The Team ...

It appears that 2 overzealous Carolina Panthers cheerleaders may have taken their celebration a little too far at a bar in Tampa Bay on Sunday. Even though they were not in town to perform at the game - they did give quite a 'performance' in the ladies room....which angered other female patrons who actually had to pee!

Now being from North Carolina there are 2 things that these women should have known about being a woman and using public bathrooms.
  1. If you have to go fast and there's a long line - go to the men's room
  2. If you're going to have sex with someone in said bathroom but you don't want people to complain - go to the men's room. And if you're having sex with your girlfriend, the men won't mind that either - they'll probably encourage you and give you their beer money to watch.

Since I've never been one to think that having sex in a public bathroom is a good idea to start with (you know how dirty those places are - YUCK!) - I guess I'm only guilty of #1. But I do have 2 words for these ladies - BAD REDNECKS!!

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