Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Day In The Life...

Being a kid is tough these days - especially if you're Sam. You've got to feed the beast

and make faces

before you can sleep it off

New Addition

It took over a year, but we are proud to announce the newest addition to the Brown household.

Now Sam has something else to stab besides our dining room table.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rip Van Sam

Sam hasn't been moved to his toddler bed yet. We tried a few months ago when he climbed out of his crib - but quickly moved him back when he kept rolling out of bed at night. Hopefully his tossing and turning will settle down soon and we'll get to the toddler bed again.

In the meantime, he's found creative ways to sleep at school.

Apologies for the blurry pic - it was taken with his teacher's phone and then sent to my phone before being downloaded. Notice that the bottom half of his body is off the side. Evidently the teacher moved his legs back on, but he just looked at her - moved them back and fell back asleep. It's all about comfort.

Too Much Is Sometimes Just Too Much

Everything in excess is opposed to nature - Hippocrates. Someone needs to remind the old man driving this car:

I know it's hard to see because this was taken with my phone at night - but the entire back and passenger side of this car was overflowing with magazines, book, clothes and other random crap.

Even the dashboard was piled up with papers and magazines. Not only was this man creepy but I saw a Ranger Rick magazine in his window. I won't be letting my child near this hoarder. I can only imagine what his home must look like.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Jesus Van II

On our way home from DC, we ran into a little traffic getting out of town. It was far less traffic than what we experienced on a daily basis when we lived there - so that was very nice. I discovered that traffic can also be a learning experience.

For example, it wasn't until I saw this minivan

that I learned that
Jesus can deliver you from the following:
  • drugs
  • alcohol
  • porn
  • lying
  • cursing
  • anger
  • guilty thoughts
  • depression
That's a tall order, but what about murder and coveting thy neighbor?