- We put our house on the market
- We went to the Outer Banks for a week vacation
- We sold our house while on vacation
- We made several trips to Raleigh, NC to look for a new house and jobs
- We put an offer on a house
- We put in our 2 weeks notice at our jobs
- We retracted our offer on the first house and put an offer on another house
- We quit our jobs
- We got the contract on the 2nd house
- We got new jobs and a temporary apartment in Raleigh
- We packed up a few things and moved to Raleigh
- We closed the sale on our VA house
- We started our new jobs
Pretty fast for major life changes, huh? Actually we've been thinking about moving for a few years - just didn't decide on Raleigh until we were pregnant. The timing wasn't right then but once we got settled in with Sam, we knew it was time to make a change. We really want to live and raise our kids in an area that has less traffic, less crime, lower cost of living and a slower pace of life. Since Raleigh has all of that, plenty of IT jobs, good schools, good shopping, good food and is only 2-3 hours from some really nice NC beaches; then we decided that this would be the place for us.
We still have quite a bit going on for the rest of the year since we aren't officially finished moving. We still have to close on the sale of the new house and move into it - which will be on November 15th. So that will require more packing - but only of the stuff that we brought to the apartment - and LOTS of unpacking - which will include everything the movers have in storage from the VA house and all the stuff from the apartment. That will probably suck - but at least we'll have Thanksgiving off to try to get a little settled in.
If you would like my new contact info - just send me an email at jennybbrown@gmail.com and I'll get it to you. I don't think it's very smart to post it on a blog.
Hope you are all doing well and I can get to see some of you more often now that I'm back in NC!