Front row - Odetta, Della Reese, Maya Angelou. Back row - bunch of people I just met and on the end - me!

(Like passing gas in a convertible...no one really notices)
As some of you may know, I was lucky enough to have been extended an invitation to the GWSAE Speaker Series back in February. This session, entitled - A Wealth of Wisdom: Legendary African American Elders Speak - was to feature Ruby Dee, Ossie Davis, Odetta and Della Reese. Unfortunately, Ossie Davis passed away just days before. But once he started to take a turn for the worse, he and his wife Ruby Dee made a call to their good friend Maya Angelou and asked her to fill in for them. Being the gracious woman that she is, she accepted warmly.
Let me back up for just a minute....I received a mass email from a company that my employer works with that included the invitation to the event. There were only 10 tickets available and I was one of the first 10 to respond to this email. I had been to their speaker series last year where I got to hear Goldie Hawn (who's from the DC area) speak and thoroughly enjoyed it. A few days before the event I received a call from the president of the company extending the invite. Evidently they had a ton of requests to go, and since I had been to one last year - would I give up my ticket for someone who hasn't attended a speaker series event. So, of course, I said sure. I heard Maya speak at my college in the mid-90s, and felt that if someone hasn't heard her speak yet, then they definitely should get a chance. The president then offered me a ticket to another event - but I told her that those should really go to people who haven't been, but thank you for the offer. I was a little disappointed, but knew that I shouldn't be greedy - no matter how bad I wanted to!
I thought little of it until the day of the event - February 7, 2005. I received a phone call from the president again who informed me that one of the attendees had to cancel and would I like her ticket. I asked her shouldn't she offer the ticket to someone else who hasn't been - but she said that she was impressed with my graciousness in giving up the ticket the first time and that I really should have it. So I quit being nice and said YEAH! I made a mad dash home at lunch to put on a business suit and get some face paint - so I wouldn't look like my normal messy self.
When I arrived at the Kennedy Center, Ms. Della Reese was also arriving. Even though I think furs are disgusting and would never own one - she looked quite elegant in hers. So, I met with my group...we ate a nice dinner that's part of the package and then headed in to find our seats. Our seats were located 5 rows from the stage - so close I could have spit on them....but I didn't.
Everyone sat in awe as the women wobbled feebly onstage - I guess you don't realize just how old they are until you see them walking with canes or in a wheelchair. Although their bodies are old and weak, their minds and wits are as sharp as ever. It was very entertaining to see them laughing and joking with each other as they discussed the many struggles they faced as entertainers in the time of such prevalent racism and segregation.
After they spoke, we stood in line to get a group picture with the ladies - the one posted above. They were all so generous and kind and seemed to enjoy the fact that people are so fascinated with them. After the photo session, we were led upstairs to a coffee and desert reception. To my surprise, this also included a chance to actually get to speak with the ladies and to whip out my camera phone and take some candids with them. Della has obviously never seen a camera phone but the others were unphased.
They were all very nice and stayed until almost everyone had gone home. It was quite an evening. Never thought I would get such an opportunity - not without shelling out some major $$. I guess there's only one word that could sum this all up - WOW!